Meny gives its shoppers a cleaner, faster recycling experience
Hasle, NORWAY: The Hasle store in the Meny supermarket chain has become one of the first customers to install TOMRA’s groundbreaking new reverse vending machine, the T9.
“Our vision is to create a smile every day both for our customers and our personnel,” explains the Meny Hasle store manager, Kjell Arne Saue. “It’s focusing on things that we feel are important to our customers, who want to come to a nice store, with pleasant personnel, a wide assortment of goods, and were things work as they’re supposed to, like the reverse vending machines.”
The store upgraded from T-600 reverse vending machines at the front-end. The premium T9 is the first to feature TOMRA Flow Technology, the world’s first 360-degree instant recognition system in a reverse vending machine, where containers move through in a continuous flow without stopping for rotation. TOMRA Flow Technology ensures a reverse vending system that’s faster and more convenient for consumers to use, easier for store personnel to operate, and more secure for preventing fraud attempts.
Faster, cleaner, easier
Meny Hasle has combined their two T9 reverse vending machines with the high storage capacity of the MultiPac backroom cabinets. “The reverse vending system in our store is very important. The criteria that we feel make a good reverse vending system is that it has a large capacity, it’s fast, the software is reliable, it’s easy to use for our customers, it’s easy for personnel to clean and maintain, and that it is secure in operation.”
The store manager explains that upgrading to the T9 offering has made the process of cleaning the machine far easier, thanks to the fewer number of components that require cleaning and less spillage from the returned beverage containers, so that store personnel use less time on cleaning.
“It’s like night and day. The T-600 was a nice machine when it came out, but the development since then has been truly incredible. Today’s premium T9 machine is amazing – it’s great to look at, it’s attractive, easy to keep clean, it functions well, and in addition it’s very economical in operation in terms of use of personnel and such things.
“We chose TOMRA because it’s a trustworthy partner. TOMRA has delivered good products since the beginning. It provides good service, and all TOMRA machines, software, etc. – everything works.”
Installed reverse vending system

TOMRA T9 with MultiPac
Designed for medium to large stores
Accept cans, plastic bottles, glass bottles, and crates
Up to 60 containers / 21 crates per minute
Modular system: choose from 2 to 7 cabinets