
Brussels sprout sorting machines

This highly nutritious superfood shares its home with the EU. Some can't get enough and others may not enjoy the taste, but if your sprouts are off they will look elsewhere on the veggy shelf.

The TOMRA 5A helps us guarantee quality because the sorter has a finer view than the human eye.

Evelien Vanterberghe Co-founder & CEO, Trypol Pack

Our brussels sprouts sorting solution

Every Brussels Sprout Counts™

  • Brussels_sprouts-Key_Benefits-1

    It only takes one

    Brown or yellow discolorations, frost or insect-damaged sprouts, or out-of-spec products are the last things your customers want to see. Consistent high-quality yields give your customers confidence in your products and keep them coming back for more. 
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    We check for ID at the door

    Our Brussels sprout sorting machines reject sticks, stones, metals, plastics, glass, and wood. If it’s not on the list, it’s out. 
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    Big shoes to fill with a small footprint

    Our compact machines will improve your capacity and throughput with a small footprint - so you get the most from your space and sprouts. 

Get in touch

Operational costs continue to increase, and every little saving makes a difference.
Our automation works smarter, wastes less, and optimizes your lines to ensure quality is consistent and potential recalls are thing of the past.

Speak with us to learn how you can make Every Resource Count!™