Can we rethink waste for a more circular future?
TOMRA and Eunomia have developed a framework to tackle waste and climate change head-on. The holistic resource system (HRS) combines deposit return systems (DRS), separate collections, and mixed waste sorting (MWS) to create a circular economy. Want to see how these systems work together to close the loop on waste?

What’s inside?
We break down the cutting-edge strategies and real-world examples that show how holistic resource management can revolutionize waste systems.
Half our carbon emissions come from our materials and food systems, with their attendant pollution and habitat destruction impacts. A circular economy that minimizes resource use while driving equality in global standards of living is fundamental to a socially just net zero.
Joe Papineschi, Chairperson
Eunomia Research & Consulting

Evidence-based solutions to increase recycling rates and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
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